In a couple of weeks Ian and I will be going to get our permits. I don't want to get my permit but they say I need the practice. I'm a little nevus, but I think I will do ok. I hope. You know I just don't want to drive. I have already told mom that I will not drive on the interstate, in the rain, or at night. I'm hoping Ian will get to drive more than I do so he can go ahead and get his drivers license. So to all of you out on the road WATCH OUT!! lol
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
I just got back from a weekend of camping, swimming, kayaking, and all that good stuff. We went with some friends from shul and of course the one and only marli. Lets just say it was an interesting adventure. Lets start with well the bath house. Or maybe I should just let the pics at the top explain. The bath house was called the TURDis because it was a box, (that should have been blue) and it had a leaver that you had to pull to flush. lol The bath house was THE most smelliest thing I have ever set foot in. Moving along The shower. It was ok at first, It just had a curtain and had a HUGE barrel on top. So we figured it was to catch rain water. Well we were wrong. You know what they filled it up with?? RIVER WATER, Yeah the same river water we were trying to wash off!!! So now we get to the river or should I say stream. lol Ok so only in some places. It was low and slow. No rapids but still relaxing. It was nothing compared to the coosa. I can't say I did not have fun. I can't wait to sleep in my bed!! We had 2 sissy campers and I wish I was one of them but alas I was not. Please enjoy the pics.
lots o love
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

OMG LOOK at what I found!!. I want one!!
Choose from the Doctor's Sonic or the Master's Laser interactive screwdrivers. When switched on, each screwdriver starts at full power (5 LED power indicator lights). Whenever a hit is scored a hit sound effect is played and one power LED goes out. When the last light goes out on your screwdriver the other player has won. Use the Toclafane sphere for target practice with either one of the Screwdrivers and hone your skill whilst firing on the move.
here is the site where I saw it.
I also found doctor who Action Figures!!!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Doctor who

SOOO the rumor is BBC is going to end doctor who!!! I hope not because I LOVE doctor who. I think that maybe they are just ending this season. Or thats what I like to think. lol Any who Doctor who is the BEST!!!
Labels: BBC, doctor who
Sunday, July 6, 2008
this wekend
I had a great 4th! I hope all of you did. I got to see willy! as was expected. lol we went camping at dad's old friends house. It was nice BUT there is always a but lol I slept in a hole. ok not a hole a CRATER!!! My poor back hurt SOOO bad!!! but I'm all better now thanks to my lovely bed:) So after camping we went camping we went to some friends house to hang out. So we had a weekend full of swimming camping fireworks and all the good stuff the 4th of July weekend can bring!!
Labels: 4th of July, camping
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
OMG we went to a wedding sunday. They had lots of dancing! mac and I danced all night long!! we have been wanting to go to a dance party together forEVER!!! I LOVE to dance!! Hey when I get married (if I get married.) I will have a BIG dance party!! And we will be dancing ALL night long!!
Labels: wedding dance
crashed computer
Hey y'all! Soo I have not been online in awhile. the reason is because our dumb *** computer crashed. All well I guess there is nothing we can do but go get it fixed. lol So I hope it can be fixed. lol so any way I am at the Lambert's taking care of they're SWEEEET puppy! and the lovely miss kitty. So i hope everyone has a good 4th of July!
Labels: 4th of July, crashed computer