Doctor who

SOOO the rumor is BBC is going to end doctor who!!! I hope not because I LOVE doctor who. I think that maybe they are just ending this season. Or thats what I like to think. lol Any who Doctor who is the BEST!!!
Labels: BBC, doctor who
Labels: BBC, doctor who
DANG my pic wont come up:( I will have to try again.
The rumor is false, I know because they have already announced a new writer for the 5th season.
Quote from "Steven Moffat, the award-winning writer, is to replace Russell T Davies as the lead writer and executive producer of Dr Who, the BBC has announced.
Moffat, who has written a number of episodes of the sci-fi show, will take on the role when Davies steps down next year.
News of his promotion will be welcomed by the legions of Dr Who fans who feared that the show would not survive without Davies.
Moffat, who penned the acclaimed Blink episode, described the position as the job of his dreams."
Here is the teaser for the 2008 Special,
I am sooooo happy they are not ending it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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