Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Zeppelin taking to the skies over Bay Area

I found this on yahoo. It's pretty cool. I want to fly in one!

Flying in the world's largest airship is a very quiet, smooth-as-silk experience. The six-cylinder aircraft engines hum unobtrusively, allowing the ship's 12 passengers to chat easily among themselves and the crew in the narrow gondola. Grand vistas can be seen through large windows, some of which can be opened. That was the view on Monday from Moffett Field, where a new company called Airship Ventures cranked up its marketing machine to introduce zeppelinrides in the United States after a 71-year hiatus brought on by the Hindenburg disaster in 1937, the onset of World War II and the eclipse of ocean liner-in-the-sky airships by airplanes. Airship Ventures takes off on Friday with four flights from the Mountain View airfield. It's not for everyone: A one-hour flight from eitherMoffett or Oakland International Airport is $495 per person, and two hours is $950. The company will start using Charles M. Schulz Sonoma CountyAirport next month, where a one-hour Wine Country ticket is $525 and two hours $975. It is, however, a terrific ride. For 30 minutes, a group of media members cruised at 1,350 feet and 34 knots with Katharine Board - the only female zeppelin pilot in the world - at the controls. The zeppelin lands on a dime, and the lift comes from lighter-than-air helium. This is no blimp. Zeppelins have a light, rigid metal and carbonfiber framework that is covered with a synthetic canvas hull - just waiting to be adorned with your company logo for yet another fee. Blimps do not have internal rigid frames. Alas, with the gloomy haze shrouding the Bay Area and visibility of no more than 2 1/2 miles, passengers on the flight had to use their imaginations about the picturesque landmarks and vistas that might have been seen through the windows. As it was, the 246-foot airship hovered and passed over Moffett Field,offering scenes of FEMA trailers and airplane hangars and a great view of the future offices of Airship Ventures, the Silicon Valley start up that had the audacious idea of leasing one of the three zeppelins in the world,hauling it by ship from Hamburg, Germany, to Beaumont, Texas, and then last week flying it in a six-stop route to its new home at Moffett. The zeppelin took several passes over the new offices. They were the bachelor officers' quarters of the former Moffett Naval Air Station,complete with swimming pool and bar, now being remodeled. The idea to lease the airship, manufactured in Germany by ZeppelinLuftschifftechnik GmbH, a modern-day offshoot of the historic company thatmanufactured the original zeppelins, came to Brian Hall, the founder and CEO of Mark/Space, a software company, and his wife Alexandra Hall, the former executive director and CEO of the Chabot Space & Science Center in Oakland. They knew that the manufacturer's zeppelin sightseeing operation near Lake Constance, at the borders of Switzerland, Austria and Germany, was successful and that it could be that and more in the Bay Area, which has good weather over 10 to 11 months, compared with seven in Germany, and adesirable demographic. The German operation is so successful, said Michael Schieschke, chief operating officer of Zeppelin Luftschifftechnik, who was aboard Monday,that the company has a backlog of 10,000 tickets. He thinks the business model will thrive here. "You have magnificent, ever-changing scenery, and as I flew here I thought, if it can't be done here, I don't know where," he said. True, if the view includes whales, dolphins, coast, Wine Country and more- something more than the NASA Ames Research Center. Monday's weather and a tanking economy notwithstanding, it is full-speed ahead for Airship Ventures. 'This is a luxury experience," Hall said aboard the third flight of the day Monday. "It's intended to either be a treat for yourself or loved one.We have companies booking it for their top-selling people, people celebrating wedding anniversaries and birthdays." One of the Halls' investors, Esther Dyson, said she is so impressed with the plan that she is "about to put in a bit more money to help us through the turbulence." The first charter customer, on Halloween, is a band called Abney Park,which performs in a genre called steampunk - a meld of fantasy and speculative fiction, or what Hall said is something like "Jules Verne meets the Victorian Age." The day works for Abney Park, because the band will be in San Jose for a steampunk convention. One of its song's is titled "Airship Pirate," which did give Hall some pause. "We will have to give them the extra frisking so they don't try to commandeer our ship," said Hall. Hopefully, it will be clear skies for Abney Park, whose members will becoming in costume. The complete, 12-seat gondola for a one-hour flight out of Moffett or Oakland rents for $5,750. It's $6,100 in Sonoma.Zeppelin rides Not a blimp: A zeppelin is a rigid airship developed in the late 1800s by German Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin. Characterized by a covered cylindrical frame supported by internal gas cells, it is different from the more common blimp, which does not have a rigid frame. Tickets: A one-hour flight on Airship Ventures' zeppelin is priced at $495per person; two hours is $950. When and where: Beginning Friday, Airship Ventures will operate at Moffett Field in Mountain View and Oakland International Airport.
Source: Chronicle research, http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2008/10/28/MN8K13P1J4.DTL

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


they just made it down that hill.

she likes a variety

WE went skateboarding while Alex and Marli were here. Sorry there are no pics of Joey he would not let me put his picture on my blog. no pics of me I'm behind the camera. I did ride but not down that hill. I took the small hill. :)



We went camping Friday through Monday at chehea with Alex and Marli. It was So fun. Chehea is such a beautiful place. And it wasn't sissy camping it was the kinda camping where you had to hike to your campsite, dig a hole to go, find your own and dry your own firewood kinda camping. It was COLD. At night we got in our sleeping bags and snuggled up close to each other. I was between Marli and Joey so I was nice and warm. lol Unfortunately I did not take a camera. I know right, I did not have my camera It was CRAZY for me to be there without my camera but I had a good time without it. (but don't tell it I said that.) I was to busy hiking, talking, reading, hanging out with Alex and Marli and all that good stuff to take pics anyway. Marli had her camera and she took a few pics so look for them on her blog.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

More pics

well you asked for them so here they are. I have not put up photos in a while. this is because I am having a hard time with my pics and I have been busy with the high holy days. Why am I having a problem with my photos? Well I think they all look same and I can't find anything new to photograph. I will hopefully get back in the mode soon. these pics are from the last visit to Memes.

the fair

we went to the fair Sunday. I had SO much fun. I think my favorite ride was the double fariswheel. my least favorite was this ride that spun you around and took you upside down while spinning. lol I did not like it. Alex and Marli went with us and it made it even more fun! It is so good to see them. Joey, Mrs. Cammy, Mr. James, Candice and Nikki went to. My throat was sore the next day. I love to scream on rides and lift my hands up. It makes it funner. lol

Saturday, October 11, 2008


season 5 of Dr who will not be showing until 2010. They will have 3 shows during 09 + the Christmas spacial. There are rumors that David Tennant is leaving and Russel T. Davies!!! What will the show be like?? Are they just rumors? Here is an article I read about Dr who from about.com

There will be no new series of Doctor Who in 2009, the BBC announced this week, causing fresh (and still entirely groundless) talk that David Tennant might be leaving the show at or after the end of next spring's season 4.According to an announcement on the show's official site, season 5 of the hit sci-fi institution will be delayed until 2010. Fans will not be completely deprived of Who during 2009, as three specials have been scheduled for the interim year. With the 2008 Christmas special already in train, this means that a mini-season of four specials will be aired during the 21 months separating seasons 4 and 5.Season 4 has been in production over the summer with Tennant, Catherine Tate, and Freema Agyeman as stars, but the line-up for the specials and the postponed season 5 has not been revealed. BBC News noted that Tennant is expected to play Hamlet for the Royal Shakespeare Company next summer, which might be one cause for the delay of season 5; this would seem to argue that Tennant is staying with the program, since his conflict next summer would be irrelevant if someone else were starring in season 5. But even Tennant's RSC gig is unconfirmed.Meanwhile, executive producer Russell T. Davies has not yet clarified whether he intends to continue his association with the program through into season 5. Davies, like Tennant, has hinted that he might leave the show at some point, but so far has not set a date.
I will be seeing Alex and Marli tomorrow. I can't wait! WE are also going to the fair. But if it rains I don't think I will go. But I really want to go... so I will just hope It won't rain. lol the sukkah is up and it looks GREAT joey and I are going to test it out tonight. ( I know it's a bit early but joey really wanted to sleep in there so I told him I would.) All my decorations are made and I will put them up tomorrow or Monday. I will be posting pics of the sukkah.
I have been going through the stuff in my room today. I am getting rid of a LOT of stuff. And I am also taking down posters and stuff like that and putting up new ones. I wish I had a Dr who poster. I love Dr who I can't wait till the next one comes out!

Friday, October 10, 2008

high holys

The high holys are over FINALLY! the sukkas are going up, there is a cool breeze and county fairs are going. what does this mean? Well it means fall is here. I must say I am glad the high holy days are over this means no more long services WHOOP WHOOP ( our service lasted from 9 am to 2 pm and then we came back at 5:15!) well ok we still have sukkot services but they are still not as long. Near the end of yom kippor service I thought I was not going to make it. We had to stand for 10 min and I thought I would pass out. But I made it and I did not cheat like some people. I have been making sukkah decor and the boys are putting the sukkah up. WE are going camping next weekend and I am SO happy. It will be (should be) REALLY fun. Alex and Marli are coming home in 2 days. I can't wait to see them.
Daddy is going to be an uncle his brother is having a baby girl! mazel tov to uncle Hardy and Auntie M

Friday, October 3, 2008

Kosher candy corn and more

Mom found KOSHER candy corn at dollar general. The name of it is blueberry hill foods. I LOVE candy corn So I am pretty happy.

We went hiking today at a national forest to scout out a campsite for Sukkot and we had a blast. We went with some friends and made a Field trip of it.
Here are some pics from the trial.

this is the view from the road.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

To all knowledge junkies.

Are you a knowledge junkie? Do you like to know facts about anything and Everything? Do you like taking quiz's on anything and everything? Than Mental_floss is the magazine for YOU! Mom subscribed me to mental_floss and I got my sep/oct issue a few weeks ago and I LOVE it! I wish it came out every month. I also get their e-letter. I recommend that you subscribe to mental_floss.

Where Knowledge Junkies Get Their Fix


free car tag

You have never met such genuine loving people as the Blondheims. They started the 'Joy to Life Foundation' to help the less fortunate that have breast cancer. Not to mention, Joy, is a survivor. They are trying to get a car tag established. Which, in the future, will help generate money for the foundation. The tags are free this year, so order as many as you have cars. Also, you need to do it quickly, they only have 29 days left. Here's the link http://www.joytolife.org/

I copyed this from mom's blog becouse she said it and she said it right. Mrs. joy is a wonderful person and joy to life is a wonderful thing. PLEASE get a car tag. If you already have one tell your friends.