Friday, September 26, 2008

this year

*Some pics my not be from this year but I think all of them are.

Alex and Marli!

I am SO happy! Alex and Marli are coming home. I can't wait to see them. It has been FOREVEVR since I have seen Willy. We are going to go camping with Alex and Marli for sukkot. So that should be fun we are also going to TRY to go to the fair but no promises. Daddy's b-day is coming up he will be 41. It seems like yesterday was his 40th. This year has gone by so fast.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Every tree is unique in its own way.
P.S. like the do?

our road

this is the road I live on. It used to be full of trees but now the loggers have come and taken them all away. Ok so not all of them but a LOT of them. At least they left some.

The road I once new is now a stranger in the past.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

my wekend

lets start with Saturday. Saturday was good we went to shul came home had lunch with the croleys it was Mr Bruce's bday. played monopoly all day and went back to shul for a play. the play was good. Sunday we went to Sunday school. Not that fun rabbi Stevens taught my class He's a pretty good teacher. It would be nice to know what he said because I have had this class before and I would like to get the reform version but alas I am in a class room full of disrespectful irritating immature MONKEYS!! so after class I stood around with a girl from my class who knows how to behave. she's pretty cool. we talked about books, music. and how irritating our fellow class mates are. then somebody heard a noise and freaked out and made us go inside ( by the way I was already inside) so I went in the little people class. It was not bad I got to color and I like to color. lol any way then we went skateboarding. well the boys skateboarded I can't skate ditches. the boys are REALLY good. It was pretty cool daddy showed us all the ditches he used to skate with his buddys. And their were some BIG ditches. then we went home and watched son of rambow. cute movie. Anyway Ian and I have a cold. (thanks rabbi and Mr Neil!) so that's my weekend for ya.

Friday, September 19, 2008

More of my pics

Thursday, September 18, 2008

feeling creative

these are my clay creations I made them a few weeks ago. not the one at the top I made that one a few months ago. I love clay.
I could not pass these pics of Ian up aren't they funny!?!