Sunday, August 31, 2008


We went kayaking today! We had so much fun. The rapids are WASOME!!!!!!! We had a pretty good group 3 canoes and 7 kayaks. The pace was not bad either. The river was high and swift so there were more rapids. The only thing I did not like was the sun burn It hurts SO bad. But I think it was worth it!
River rat out!

Teva burn


Saturday, August 30, 2008

Finding Inspiration

Muscadine vine, Muscadine vine

Lily pond, Tree

Shroom, Lily pond reflections


The thing I love most is photography. Photography Is like some kind of meditation to me. Just to go out and capture the world around me is so peaceful, Even tho I'm not that great It just lifts me up. Some times I get that lily or butterfly I can't seem to get the right angle or lighting on but I still go on without it cursing my camera because the zoom is not right or for some other reason. and then there are those times when I get the perfect picture and think I have the best Camera in the world. Right now I am using moms camera it is a cyber shot by Sony I have to say my camera is a lot better it is a power shot a560 by canon. The reason I am using moms camera is because My SD memory card is not working and I have not gotten another one. Hopefully I will get one soon.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hello I finally got my real permit. you know the plastic one not the paper. I'm happy. Next weekend we are going to go kayaking again I'm happy about that to. WE are taking some people from shul so we will have a small group. The good thing about this kayaking trip is we are going on the coosa!!!!!!!! I hope it will be fun. It just depends on the group. There will be new people coming. But they will just have to get used to paddling to MOMs and DADs pace. Which by the way SUCKS! I guess I will have to get used to it. lol We used to take our time when we would go. I don't know what happened. all well. I hope we can still play in the water more than we did last time. Any way not much has been going on around here other than rain school rain school and some more rain!

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Daddy got a long board. I have to tell you it is the king of all skate boards! I LOVE it. And I REALLY want to get one. BUT it my take me a long time before I get one because they are not as cheap as I would like. lol When you ride a long board it is So smooth and there is so much room it is like a dream. The only thing is, it is kinda hard to turn it, but daddy said it just takes some getting used to. So if I could just steal it from daddy for a few minuets maybe I could master the turning. But Daddy likes long boards just as much as I do so..... you get picture. lol I'm not like joey who rides a humu which is only 26 and a half inches No I like my boards BIG 55 inches! Isn't she a beaut?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I have not blogged in a LONG time But I my reasons. one is school started on Monday and before that I was getting ready for school so I have been pretty busy with that. And I have tennis lessons. I got to spend this weekend with my Meme. It is ALWAYS good to See her. Well I got to (forced to) drive at night for the first time the other night! I drove all the way from tallassee to the house! lets just say..... well I almost ran down the mail box lol I did not like it. I have driven a LOT more than Ian has. And I am starting to get used to it. i drive like 5 miles under the speed limit and won't go over 50 so every time I get one the road People pass me like I am standing still! But I don't really care they can get a ticket if they want to. I drive so slow I should probably turn my flashers on LOL. Well we FINALLY got our stove fixed! So I need to go make some cookies for my family.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

New driver :)

I went and got my permit today! I was SO nervous/ecstatic.(you can tell in my picture) It was REALLY easy I thought it was going to be really hard but a monkeys uncle could have done it! lol I missed 2 out of 30 so I did pretty good. I know I have a permit and all BUT I don't want to drive I'm too scared. LOL sad isn't it. I will eventually get the guts to get out on the road but I think I need some kind of practice in a parking lot or something.
see you people later

Friday, August 8, 2008

Who'll start the rain? By Suzanne Bopp

Aug. 6, 2008 | This week, days before Friday's opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, cannons and rocket launchers by the thousands will be trained on the Chinese skies. In the cross hairs: the clouds.

This is latest of China's many efforts to control the weather. China is probably the world's largest practitioner of cloud seeding, spending about $90 million a year. Last April, it claimed a major weather victory after seeded clouds deposited a centimeter of snow on the Tibetan mountains. Now, eager to ensure rain comes before -- not during -- the Olympics, the Beijing Weather Modification Office plans to seed the clouds that float by beforehand, hoping to wash the pollution from the air and wring out any event-delaying precipitation.

But U.S. scientists are skeptical. "China is promising something they can't deliver," says Bruce Boe, director of meteorology for Weather Modification Inc., a Fargo, N.D.-based company. "To alter a cloud's aerosols in such a dramatic way that it won't rain -- the cost will be extreme, and I don't know how to do it confidently. Nature is so large and powerful it can always overwhelm you." China has no scientific evaluations to support its promises. And, he says, it's just not possible to exercise such precise control over the weather.

Whether or not it's possible to exercise any control at all over the weather remains subject to debate. While countries around the world -- including the United States -- continue to fund cloud seeding in drought-stricken regions desperate to refill reservoirs or water crops, the efforts have been beset with failures and few successes since the very first clouds were treated.

That was in the 1950s, near the New York labs of General Electric, following the discovery that dry-ice shavings could convert super-cooled (colder than freezing) water droplets to ice crystals. That mattered because clouds need ice crystals (or some kind of small particles ) to form precipitation. Cloud seeding tries to fill that need. Today silver iodide -- its structure mimics that of ice crystals -- is most commonly used in a method called glaciogenic cloud seeding.

Another method, hygroscopic cloud seeding (which some scientists say holds the most promise today), uses materials such as salt to provide a droplet-attracting nucleus; it can be used in warmer clouds. Both methods, whether dispersed through planes or rocket launchers, need to start with a cloud; they can't create clouds. Cloud seeding is more like cloud fertilizing: It tries to make a cloud a more efficient producer of rain or snow.

After the discovery at GE, the company hired a plane to release dry ice into clouds during the winter of 1946. On the final day of the experiment, Schenectady, N.Y., had its heaviest snowfall of the season, causing GE to worry about the legal liabilities of changing the weather.

The initial promise of the discovery was quickly swamped by disillusionment. "People had all kinds of immediate aspirations that they could control the weather," Boe says. "But there was a lot of overselling. If your town had a drought, people would show up and try to sell this, then get out of town fast if it didn't work. That did a lot of damage to cloud seeding's reputation. Worldwide, that still happens."

While dozens of foreign countries -- Mali, Burkina Faso, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia and Australia, to name a few -- continue to try to get the weather they want, the U.S. hangs back slightly. "In other countries, you don't have people sitting around saying, 'We're not sure this works,'" Boe says.

In America, that refrain is heard frequently, but cloud seeding continues on the order of 60-some projects in 10 Western states a year, funded mainly by local and county governments, agricultural interests and, occasionally, ski resorts. Although the American Meteorological Society says some studies have shown a 10 percent increase in rain volume, the National Academy of Sciences has said there is no conclusive evidence that cloud seeding works.

It's not the initial cloud-seeding equation that is in doubt: Silver iodide does produce ice crystals in clouds. "You can see on a radar how it grows to larger particles," says Dan Breed, a project scientist with the National Center for Atmospheric Research. "But the chain of events between that and precipitation hitting the ground is much more complicated."

Some clouds, it turns out, are less complicated than others. Winter orographic clouds, which form over mountains in winter, are simpler to work with than convective clouds, which cause thunderstorms. Orographic clouds occur almost every day in the Western mountains, where shortages of winter snowpack (needed to fill lakes, rivers and reservoirs in the spring) mean extra precipitation is most often needed.

Glaciogenic seeding is also used for hail suppression; by providing many ice particles for hail to form around, it prevents very large hail from developing. But hailstorms are extremely complicated, Breed says, and experiments with hailstorms are risky. "You do a project or experiment and you can end up with insurance claims or crop damage," he says.
In Calgary and Red Deer, Alberta, insurance companies are the ones that have funded a hail suppression project for more than a decade, in an effort to reduce their damage claims. The fact that they are spending a couple million dollars a year on this program should be taken as proof that cloud seeding works, says Don Griffith, president of North American Weather Consultants, a Sandy, Utah-based weather modification company.

For insurance companies, and many other funders of cloud seeding, the chance of success is worth the money. That's what drove the $8.8 million cloud-seeding project in Wyoming, initiated in part by dry local irrigation districts. Scientists found funding to piggyback research on the project, but the whole thing has hit early stumbling blocks, thanks to its proximity to designated wilderness areas.

To environmentalists, wilderness areas should be protected from such intrusions. "The most defining concept in the Wilderness Act is 'untrammeled by man.' The idea behind cloud seeding is anathema to that," says George Nickas, executive director of Wilderness Watch. "It's hard to envision something more offensive to the idea of wilderness." In fact, the Forest Service's own regulations command, "Do not permit long-term weather modification programs that produce, during any part of successive years, a repeated or prolonged change in the weather directly affecting wilderness areas."

Nevertheless, the project has proceeded, with minor modifications: The silver-iodide-releasing generators are to be placed outside, not inside, the wilderness areas. That's not a satisfying solution for the protesters -- it will still introduce more pollution.

"Under that same logic, if I wanted to dispose of toxic waste, I could do so to my heart's content on Forest Service lands as long as I dumped the stuff out of an airplane instead of packing it in on horseback," Jonathan Ratner, Wyoming director of the Western Watersheds Project, wrote in a statement. Part of his concern is what would come with increased rainfall over the forest -- increased pollution. Rampant gas and oil development in Wyoming has raised emissions several-fold; rain could bring that out of the sky into the water and cause nitrification.

Neither protests nor the deep discomfort about changing the weather has translated to a glut of weather-modification-related lawsuits. No doubt that's partly due to the fact that a plaintiff seeking damages would have to prove the cloud seeders were responsible for the harmful weather, and causation is as difficult to prove for attorneys as for scientists. It's not uncommon to hear the complaints that someone's cloud seeding stole someone else's rain. But scientists point out that that's also impossible to prove.

A bigger worry is that cloud seeding might be having the wrong effect. "Right now there's no guarantee, but we might be spending time and money and reducing precipitation," says Colorado State University atmospheric science professor William Cotton.

U.S. funding for research to answer such questions remains paltry. Down from a high in the late 1970s of $20 million, today less than $500,000 goes to cloud-seeding studies. Because studies are lengthy -- it takes about 10 years to look at weather trends -- even those that get funding often run out before the study is complete. Bills currently moving though Congress seek to establish a national weather-modification program, but such bills have been introduced, and disappeared, before.

This time around, there may be renewed interest, courtesy of climate change, which presents some of the same fundamental questions as weather modification. Scientists are more interested than ever in learning how we're already changing our weather, perhaps to learn how to change it back.

It seems certain we've altered precipitation patterns in measurable ways. "We're finding aerosol pollution reduces precipitation in orographic clouds," Cotton says. "It introduces very small particles, and they all compete for the same amount of water. Pollution means huge numbers of particles, so it's hard to go in and seed clouds that are polluted."

Over the past few decades, pollution seems to have decreased precipitation considerably, especially in the West, where clean ocean air passes over polluted urban areas before moving inland. In the Sierra Nevada mountains, the loss is estimated at 3.2 million acre feet (an acre foot covers an acre of land in water 1 foot deep) each year.

Can we learn to seed polluted clouds so we can get that precipitation back? What about the effects of changing temperature? We know low clouds tend to have a cooling effect on earth, and high clouds create warmth by absorbing more long-wave radiation. Could we use some of these effects to alter not just the weather but the climate itself?

Such climate engineering could be the next hot topic among atmospheric scientists. "We may have no choice," Cotton says. "Twenty years down the road, if the warming trend has increased enormously and half of Florida is underwater, politicians will say, 'Do climate engineering.' Doing something is better than sitting on your hands. If, at that point, we don't have the scientific knowledge, and we introduce the technology, we could find ourselves in the middle of an ice age. We won't be able to figure this out that fast."

Attempting such a strategy would raise all of cloud seeding's questions -- of control, unintended consequences, environmental effects -- to a new order of magnitude. But we need to start looking at it now, Cotton says. "If politics take control, and we don't have a science basis, who knows what could happen?"

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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Tennis lessons

Joey and I have started tennis lessons!! I am so happy I have always wanted to take tennis and now I am. The class lasts 3 months. Joey and I went to the tennis court to see how good we were before our class. Lets just say... I SUCK!!!!!! And I don;t just mean suck I mean I SUCK! but that's why I am taking lessons. Joey is OK. I mean he can hit the ball unlike his sis. lol I have never learned how to play a sport so I am pretty happy.


Friday, August 1, 2008

solar eclipse

On Friday, 2008 August 01, a total eclipse of the Sun is visible from within a narrow corridor that traverses half the Earth. The path of the Moon's umbral shadow begins in Canada and extends across northern Greenland, the Arctic, central Russia, Mongolia, and China. A partial eclipse is seen within the much broader path of the Moon's penumbral shadow, which includes northeastern North America, most of Europe and Asia.

The Sun will be completely hidden by the Moon for 2 minutes, 27 seconds (the maximum duration at the greatest eclipse point) beginning at 10:21:08 GMT, in northern Russia.

The end of the central eclipse will occur at 11:18 a.m. GMT and the end of the total eclipse occurs at 11:21 a.m. EDT. The end of the general eclipse occurs at 12:38 p.m. GMT.

The total solar eclipse on August 1, 2008, classified as a magnitude of 1.039, has a maximum width of about 150 miles (240 kilometers).

After beginning in the far northern reaches of Canada, the total solar eclipse will go northeast across northern Greenland and the Arctic, followed by a southeastern passage through the middle of Russia, Mongolia, and China.

In Russia’s Siberia, the total solar eclipse will pass through the cities of Novosibirsk, Nadym, Nizhnevartovsk, Barnaul, and Biysk.

For any given location on Earth, a total solar eclipse happens about once every 375 years.

A partial solar eclipse will be seen across most of northeastern North America, most of Europe and much of Asia.

Partial solar eclipses happen about seven times per decade, on average, for any geographical location on Earth.

It is unsafe to observe a solar eclipse because of the damage the rays of the Sun can cause on human eyes.

When the photosphere of the Sun is completely covered by the Moon, then "totality" begins. Just before totality, the last flash of sunlight occurs, what is called the diamond ring effect.

During a totality, the corona, chromosphere, solar prominences, and maybe even a solar flare can possibly be seen, when using proper equipment.

I wish I could have been there!