Shroom huntin'

I just got back from mushroom, Fungi, toadstool,(or whatever you want to call them) hunting. No I don't hunt them down and eat them I hunt them down and photograph them! I think they are one of the best things to photograph. And they are EVERYWHERE! The mushroom is a vary interesting thing. Falling under the Eukarya domain Fungi has a distinct way of feeding. They secrete enzymes that digest food outside the fungal body, then their individual cells absorb the digested nutrients. Isn't that COOL?!?! I just read that in my biology book! ( thanks Mrs. Tammy) I really enjoy things like that.
I love it! I love it! I love it! Keep it up, girlie:)
yum battered and fried fungi with honey mustard sauce.
ouch! Now I'm hungry!
Chelsea..I love your nature pictures!
Keep up the good work and I am so happy that you are enjoying the biology book. I think that you are liking it much more than Alex did...he would always rather have a math book. LOL
Nice photos. Wow, never seen your dad post a comment before. You should feel special.
I'll call you soon, right now I'm dimented busy.
love you hot stuff!
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